Tips From Former Smokers National Tobacco Education Campaign |
NAQC is pleased to support the 2023 Tips From Former Smokers® Campaign (Tips®), which launched on Monday, March 6, and ran through Sunday, September 24. Tips featured the stories of more than 40 brave individuals from diverse backgrounds living with serious long-term health effects from smoking and secondhand smoke exposure. The campaign also shared stories of family members impacted by their loved one’s smoking-related illness. The message is urgent: Now is the time to quit smoking, and free help is available. CDC launched Tips, the first-ever paid national tobacco education campaign, in March 2012. From 2012–2018, CDC estimates that more than 16.4 million people who smoke attempted to quit and approximately 1 million successfully quit because of the Tips campaign. NAQC members seeking additional information on Tips, please contact . NAQC maintains a library of monthly 1-800-QUIT-NOW call data reports. 1-800-QUIT-NOW is the national portal number that routes respective callers to their state quitline. NOTE: This is a U.S. number only. Important Resources for US Quitlines: |