CDC Consortium of National Networks

NAQC is pleased to partner with the National Networks to advance the reach of quitlines to key priority populations. The National Networks are supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Office on Smoking and Health (OSH) and Division of Cancer Prevention and Control (DCPC) to advance commercial tobacco use prevention and cancer prevention. The effort focuses on populations experiencing tobacco-related and cancer health disparities. This funding effort is intended to enhance the quality and performance of specific public health programs, public health data and information systems, public health practice and services, public health partnerships, and public health resources that focus on tobacco-related and cancer health disparities in specific populations.

Each national network consortium provides leadership on and promotes evidence-based approaches for preventing commercial tobacco use and cancer. Strategies and activities will focus on:

  • Network administration and management.
  • Training and technical assistance.
  • Establishing and managing a virtual or hybrid community of practice that focuses on SDOH.
  • Mass-reach media that adds to work done by CDC-funded offices and chronic disease programs. 

The participating organizations and their areas of focus are listed below.  

The Center for Black Health & Equity
The Center for Black Health & Equity envisions a world where all people of African descent are able to obtain their optimal health outcomes. Their mission is to facilitate public health programs and services to benefit communities and people of African descent. 


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Tribal National Network Driving Action Program
Rocky Mountain Tribal Leaders Council

A national network of tribal leaders working to decrease commercial tobacco use and cancer health disparities among American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN) across the U.S. They offer technical assistance, culturally relevant resources, and a place to share up-to-date information and lessons learned, as part of a community of tribal and tribal-serving public health programs. 


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Center for Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Excellence, Empowerment and Equity (CAHPE3)
Asian Pacific Partners for Empowerment, Advocacy, & Leadership (APPEAL)
Asian Pacific Partners for Empowerment, Advocacy and Leadership (APPEAL) is a national organization working towards social justice and a tobacco-free Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AA and NHPI) community. 


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Nuestras Voces Adelante/Our Voices Moving Forward
National Alliance for Hispanic Health
The Nuestras Voces Adelante (Our Voices Moving Forward) Network Program partners with research institutions, academia, federal agencies, national voluntary agencies, community-based organizations, and expert collaborators that support our efforts to reduce the impact of tobacco-related and cancer-related health disparities on the nation’s health and well-being.

The Nuestras Voces Adelante also partners with leading Hispanic community-based organizations (CBOs) that serve as Regional Lead Agencies (RLAs). These agencies are trusted agents of change in their communities and have a broad history of implementing culturally proficient and language appropriate interventions.

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Sexual and Gender Minority Cancer & Tobacco Network The National LGBT Cancer Network
The National LGBT Cancer Network works to improve the lives of LGBT cancer survivors and those at risk by: 
EDUCATING the LGBT community about our increased cancer risks and the importance of screening and early detection; 
TRAINING health care providers to offer more culturally-competent, safe and welcoming care; and
ADVOCATING for LGBT survivors in mainstream cancer organizations, the media and research. 


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National Behavioral Health Network for Tobacco and Cancer Control
National Council for Mental Wellbeing

The National Behavioral Health Network for Tobacco & Cancer Control (NBHN) ignites action to eliminate tobacco- and cancer-related disparities. NBHN serves as a resource hub for health care professionals seeking to combat disparities specifically impacting people with mental illnesses and addictions.   


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Geographic Health Equity Alliance (GHEA)
Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA)

The Geographic Health Equity Alliance is a CDC funded National Network dedicated to reducing geographic health disparities related to tobacco and cancer.   

Geographic health disparities are the differences in health behaviors and health outcomes related to where people live. Scientists have found that the locations in which we live, work and play have an enormous impact on our health.         


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SelfMade Health Network
Patient Advocate Foundation
SelfMade Health Network envisions a nation in which multi-generational vulnerable populations with low socioeconomic status, residing throughout rural, urban and frontier regions have equitable awareness and access to geographic and culturally-relevant information.   


Disability Inclusion Network for Tobacco Control and Cancer Prevention
National Association of Chronic Disease Directors
NACDD’s core membership is composed of the 59 State and Territorial Health Department Chronic Disease Directors and their staff who protect the health of the public through primary and secondary prevention efforts and work “upstream” on root causes of chronic conditions with the focus on those with disabilities.