Quitline Promotion

When promotional strategies are more national in scope, such as promotions of the 1-800-QUIT-NOW access number, they have the potential to increase the number of smokers reached and helped throughout North America. These increases can have a significant impact on quitlines, which often operate on tight budgets and may not have the capacity to respond to all callers or may have to adjust service delivery to accommodate the calls. Additionally, the implementation of smokefree policies and tobacco tax increases provide opportunities to promote quitlines on a more local level.
We invite you to explore this section and learn more about NAQC’s work on promoting quitlines during policy changes and national promotion of quitlines such as a long-standing CDC national media campaign Tips From Former Smokers. 

NAQC maintains a library of monthly 1-800-QUIT-NOW call data reports. 1-800-QUIT-NOW is the national portal number that routes respective callers to their state quitline. Please contact NAQC staff if you would like to gain access to these reports.